Tennant Truck Lines provides truckload services in the contiguous United States. We offer the stability of asset capacity and the flexibility of a large carrier network. Tired of calling multiple phone numbers and getting transferred around when you just need to track a load? Our Customer Service structure assigns a single point-of-contact to each customer. That way you just need to reach out to one person for an update, ask a question or request some other kind of help. We understand that every business and industry is different, so partner with us and we will engineer solutions to meet your specific needs
- Over the Road Truckload
- Team Service
- Power Only and more…
Partner with us and benefit from our:
- Asset capacity and access to more through our carrier network
- Strong presence in the eastern half of the USA
- Expansive network with locations in major freight markets
- Professional and experienced drivers
- 24/7/365 Customer Service, Operations, and full service Maintenance hubs
- 100% EOBR Compliant and Smartway certified fleet